Atlantic Salmon Summit: Patronage of the ICPR and steering committee established


We are proud to announce that we have the patronage of the ICRP for the Atlantic Salmon Summit (1-3 October, Huningue France). The steering committee, which contributes to the development of the program has been established and formed of :

Gerhardt Bartl (Regierungspräsidium Freiburg), Nils Breve (Sportvisserij Nederland), Samuel Gründler (Fishing Federation Switzerland), Andreas Knutti (Ministry of Environment Switzerland), Jörg Lange (Regio Wasser), Michel Larinier (expert fishway), David Monnier (National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments), Jörg Schneider (expert, Büro f Fisch- und Studien gewässerökologische. – BFS), Anne Schulte (International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine – ICPR), Reinhart Sosat (German Fishing Federation, Landesfischereiverband Baden-Württemberg), Jean Wencker (Alsace Nature and observer at the ICPR).

The Atlantic Salmon Summit is organised by WWF Swiss and ERN France


Visit to the fish passes on the Rhine

From Thursday 30 November to Friday 1 December, the ERN team travelled down the Rhine to see the progress of the fish passes under construction